Saturday, March 13, 2010

Girl friends!

今天~~我跟Jessica 約見面 ,Dorcus也來了.
We had a great time.
After telling them that secret, they still treat me like a friend.



My dad told me that my sister, also my roommate, decided to go to China!!!!!!!!!!
I was so shocked with this news.

Oh...after a while, when my brain started working, maybe it's not that shocking.
My sister is that kind of person who listens to my dad more to herself.
I felt kinda of sad for her.
I don't like my dad for trying to arrange our future. (Even though I am not working right now, I have the right to stand out for myself. =_=!)

I was curious about her thoughts and feelings.
However, she told me she's still thinking about whether to go to China or not.
She said part of herself would be willing to try, not because of my dad.
"I know what I am doing. ", she added.

Maybe I worried too much for her.
She's already an growup, not a child anymore.
She will take care of the decision.
No need me to bother. (That's how I felt from her bodylanguage using her back to face my caring talk.)

I guess we are learning to be a growup in different ways.

So many things happened recently, not matter I am ready or not!?

讓我在決定練習跨出那一步 which took me like 3 and half years.有好的結果!
這些基督徒的朋友 她們很成熟 
願意試著put their foot in my shoes. (I meant, they have empathy.)
They are grateful for willing to tell the secret.

跟我過去的高中朋友不一樣~~~(那時候.大家都還年輕吧. They did't know how to deal with pain.)

These Christian girl friends' 友善的接納.鼓勵.& Care。
減少我的緊張和恐懼! 減少我的緊張和恐懼!
培養我的勇氣 和信心!
讓我慢慢累積力量 走下去..
女生朋友 真好的!!呵呵~

Thank you, Naomi, Jessica, Dorcus, and God!!

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