Wow hahaha , how come he is so funny and cute!?
Among the Simpsons, he is my favorite because he is so innocent.
In this clip, when Lisa gave him a card in Valentine 's Day, Ralph feels so surprised and can't believe it. He said "You choo chooo chooo choose me!?"
This is how I felt for God when I know God loves me no matter how imperfect I am!
"Do you really choo choo choose to love me ??????"
It's really awesome to be loved and all accepted by Jesus.
Yes, May 27th is my birthday, so I guess that makes me a gemini. I don't follow star signs so I don't know a lot about that stuff! :)
I'm so glad you liked that song. I bet I have a lot of songs that you would like! I actually went to your blog this morning and saw that you put links in of the videos - I had never seen them before, so it was cool to be able to watch them! "From the Inside Out" is one of my favorite worship songs right now. I first heard it a few weeks ago and I have been singing it ever since!
I like to check your blog (and my own, for comments) when I am bored from studying too! You are a fast replier, also!
Yes, I love music. I am a big fan of all types, but I especially like worship songs with power and passion! If you want to look for the songs I was talking about, here are the artists who sing them (you may not be able to find them on youtube, but programs such as iTunes should have them):
So High - Jeff Johnson
Mighty to Save - Hillsong United
Everlasting God - Lincoln Brewster
If you like those, I can let you know about a lot more!!! :)
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